Chinese Garlic Planting Area

At present, garlic cultivation worldwide is mainly concentrated in China, India, Brazil, Spain, the United States, South Korea, and Japan. China is the world’s largest garlic producer, consumer, and exporter. The annual garlic planting area in China is about 5 million mu, accounting for more than 85% of the world’s total supply. It is mainly … Read moreChinese Garlic Planting Area

Chinese Garlic Exports Probably Enter Slow Season One Come Across the Spring Festival

“The price of China garlic has shown an upward trend when the Chinese Spring Festival approaches, mainly because speculating traders initially hoard garlic, and only later did they slowly deliver their stock. The China garlic market is a speculation market. The volume of garlic still in storage in Jinxiang County is huge. An estimated about … Read moreChinese Garlic Exports Probably Enter Slow Season One Come Across the Spring Festival

China Garlic Annual Meeting

China Garlic Annual Meeting is held in the garlic town annually. How it works and influences the garlic market. Let us take the year of 2019 as an example to introduce. “China Garlic 2019 Annual Meeting” was held in Jinxiang County, Shandong Province, 16-17 May 2019. The conference focused on “Mutual Benefits by Garlic. “ … Read moreChina Garlic Annual Meeting

American Garlic Growers Support President Trump’s Tariffs

Garlic growers in the USA say thanks to President Trump. They are finally winning their 25-year battle against imported Chinese garlic. President Trump slapped the second round of tariffs on Chinese garlic this year, boosting American-grown garlic’s demand. “It’s not true that there are no winners in a trade war,” said Ken Christopher, executive vice … Read moreAmerican Garlic Growers Support President Trump’s Tariffs

10 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” — Hippocrates 1. Garlic Contains Compounds With Potent Medicinal Properties Garlic is a plant in the onion family that’s grown for its distinctive taste and health benefits. It contains sulfur compounds, which are believed to bring some of the health benefits. 2. Garlic Is Highly NutritiousBut Has … Read more10 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic